
The philosophy and the legal aspects of the 1000Club are based on respect of the Customer.

Политика Конфиденциальности

Version of February 1, 2024

Protection of your privacy and security of your personal data

The protection of your privacy is important to us. We view it as our own, and strive to treat it with the utmost respect, seriousness, and without desire for hegemony.

The security of your personal data is just as important to us. The term "personal data" is defined below.

Since no method of transmitting or storing digital data is ever completely secure, we can not guarantee the security of the information transmitted or stored on the 1000Club site. However, we will make every reasonable effort to protect this data.

Our Privacy Policy applies to information collected by the 1000Club site, that is, to all content and pages on the 1000Club site. It does not apply to information that we may collect from you by other means, such as those you provide us by telephone, fax, email or conventional mail. Please note that your personal data is protected by the Data Protection Act 1998 ("DPA") and the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") which will apply from May 26, 2018.

We do not spy on your Internet surfing. We do not want to know the sites you visit. What you do on the Internet does not concern us. We think this is one of your most private domains, and we do not want to interfere with.

We do not resell your personal or browsing data to third parties. However, we will be able to use them anonymously (without personally identifying you), especially in the context of our future BID DATA and advertising offers, reserved for users.

As used in this Privacy Policy, the term "personal data" means any information about you that you provide to us when using the 1000Club site, such as when you create a user account, use our features, or conclude a transaction, which may include, but is not limited to, your name, contact information, gender, date of birth, occupation, industry, needs or preferences of purchase, sale, lease, exchange, or sharing as well as the news topics that interest you. We treat all the data equally, without discrimination of race, ethnicity, nationality, political or religious opinion, associative engagement, or sex, without this list being exhaustive, for the sole purpose of 'accomplish our mission.

As part of our mission, we are only interested in what can help to protect and grow your professional activity or to make you enjoy the best professional or private offers of products and services. To do this, we need to know with the utmost precision what you buy, sell, rent, share, exchange, and what your interests are in general. This will be used to automatically introduce users and their products or services (or specific information) that interest you.

By accessing or registering on the 1000Club site, you consent to and accept that the information collected about you may be used and disclosed in accordance with our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. As may be required or permitted by law, this information may be transferred, processed and stored in Europe and / or the United States, and potentially in 1000Club countries.

If you do not accept these terms, then we invite you not to access, browse or register on the 1000Club site. If you choose not to provide us with certain information necessary to enable us to offer you our services, you will not be able to open a user account.

Collection and use of personal data

We want to inform you about the data we collect and the use we make of it, but also about how you can use 1000Club to protect and grow your business, as well as to obtain better professional and private terms of purchase.

We collect the data when you register and use the features of the 1000Club site.

Notably, we collect data through our keyword system that will help you connect with the right people, organizations, products, services, and information.

  • In your own interest, it is clearer, faster and more effective to share with us your needs, your interests and your preferences, in the form of freely informed keywords, rather than accept that your navigation is spied on.
    You manage your keywords in a few clicks and at will:
    1. Save a keyword on the site 1000Club is a simple action, fast, non-repetitive (since it is enough to save a keyword only once to act indefinitely) and equivalent to the execution of a search in a traditional search engine, with the main difference being that your keywords are used by 1000Club (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) to automatically show you the members, products, services and information that interest you, from their arrival on the network, without a click.
    2. A saved keyword is always active. However, at any time, you can delete any keyword as if you throw it in the trash. This action is instantaneous and disables the automatic linking process which puts you in relation with other users adequately.
    3. However, due to the technology used by the 1000Club site, deleted content may persist in backup copies for a reasonable amount of time (typically up to 90 days after the start of deletion) without being available to other users during this period.
  • Then, to supplement our knowledge of your professional and private needs and preferences, we extract the keywords from publications or members you:
    1. Bookmark.
    2. Share on your site.
    3. Share with your authorized subscribers.

When you follow the news of a member, after clicking on the RSS icon, we analyze his personal data and also his keywords, both those related to his user account and his publications. With the overlapping of personal data and keywords, we refine our knowledge of your user profile and your needs and preferences (purchase, sale, lease, exchange, and sharing) most relevant to you.

When you cancel an action, we do not remember the keywords associated with that action.

However, you understand that notwithstanding the foregoing, if required by applicable law, the order of a government agency or a court of law, or otherwise, we may retain such content in any measure necessary for such purposes.

For 1000Club, exploring your needs and preferences serves to protect and grow your business and to discover the products, services, and information you need in a professional or private way.

We strive to respect your wishes.

We believe that we have found the ideal balance between the need for information and confidentiality in order to shorten the time to market (TTM) of our users' new products and services without compromising their privacy.

Personal data

The personal data about you and collected by the 1000Club site belong to you.

This data is protected and not released in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 ("DPA") and the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"), which will apply from May 26, 2018.

These data are used to ensure the delivery of the services offered by the 1000Club site, including:

  • The linking of users.
  • Peer-to-peer exchanges.
  • The sending of information in a proactive way.
  • Evaluation and verification of the reputation of users by their peers.
    Note that to protect users against potential "trolls" or unfair competitors, assessments can be made only by peers whose identity has been the subject of a Declaration of Honor (Apostillea) and provided to be able to prove, in the event of a dispute, the facts that are the subject of the evaluation. Which implies having done business or having initiated a professional relationship with the peers thus evaluated.

We promise that this data will not be released to third parties or marketed without your explicit consent.

They can also be used:

  • To send you updates on the services offered by the 1000Club site or other events;
  • To communicate about the products or services of the 1000Club site or its users;
  • To send you emails about the maintenance of the 1000Club site or updates or to send you newsletters.

We will share the information collected with 1000Club partner institutions. They and we may share this information, including personal information, with third parties, as follows:

  • With service providers or contractors who perform certain tasks on our behalf or on behalf of our institutions.
    For example, to ensure the sending of our emails, the name and email address of the recipient are shared with the service provider.
    This includes the information you send us as well as any transaction through the operation of the 1000Club site.
  • In order to respond to subpoenas, court orders or other court proceedings, in response to a request for cooperation from the police or other government agency, in the event of an investigation, to prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, fraud, for security purposes or against techniques with suspicious stakes, or to enforce our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookie Use, Publication Policy, Ranking Policy, as may be required by law or to protect our rights, property or safety or those of others.
  • In order to respond to subpoenas, court orders or other court proceedings, in response to a request for cooperation from the police or other government agency, in the event of an investigation, to prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, fraud, for security purposes or against techniques with suspicious stakes, or to enforce our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookie Use, Publication Policy, Ranking Policy, as may be required by law or to protect our rights, property or safety or those of others.
    For example:
    • Users know your email address only if you send them a message by email.
      However, you can enter an email address other than your login email address for this feature.
      On the other hand, as long as the recipients of your messages do not respond to you, you can not know their email address.
    • We will never communicate your date of birth.
    In the section: Visibility (of the space: Account / Customize) you can freely choose the contact data (provided during your registration to the 1000Club site) that you authorize us to show and what types of users can contact you depending their level of membership.
    Regarding the information of your four "Signatures", you also decide which contact data you authorize us to show to the users (by entering them or not for each "Signature").
  • For the integration of third-party services.
    For example, an external 1000Club site hosting video content or other 1000Club sites external to 1000Club.
  • When you share 1000Club site pages on social networks.

In addition, we may share information that does not personally identify you (anonymised) with users, including in the context of our future BIG DATA or advertising offers, reserved for users and protecting you.

Since 1000Club is a private club of companies and consumers whose purpose is to protect and grow the activities of its users, while allowing everyone to benefit from the best offers (professional or private), and for this purpose, users want transparency and traceability of business through a protective system of scoring, evaluation and verification of the reputation of users by their peers, you agree that we indicate your real name - that of the account holder - and possibly in the Business Account case, the real name of the account administrator, as well as the postal code, city and country, on:

  • Your user profile;
  • Your publications;
  • News feeds.

Usage data

The usage data are the data collected by the 1000Club site and which concern the uses of the services of the 1000Club site. This is raw, anonymised data used to produce statistics on the use of 1000Club site services. Their analysis improves the services and features of the 1000Club site.

We collect data when you:

  • Create a user account;
  • Post ads, flash or private messages;
  • Buy, sell, rent, share or exchange products or services of users;
  • Participate in events;
  • Send email messages and / or participate in our forums….

We collect data to measure performance and usage patterns.

We record data indicating, among other things:

  • The pages of the 1000Club site having been visited;
  • The order in which they were visited;
  • When they have been visited;
  • What links and other user interface controls have been used.

For your security, we record the IP address, the operating system and the browser used by each user of the 1000Club site. Various tools are used to collect this information.

Use of usage data

The usage data can be used:

  • To help us improve the 1000Club site's offer as part of the personnalisation of the experience and the evaluation of the accessibility and impact of the 1000Club site in the international professional community;
  • To measure attendance, how to use the 1000Club site, and the effectiveness of the 1000Club site;
  • To analyze user performance statistics and how they use the 1000Club site;
  • To enable users to propose, administer and improve their services;
  • To publish information, but not personal data, collected by the site 1000Club on access, use, user performance, the impact of the use of the site 1000Club;
  • To archive this information and / or use it for future communications with you;
  • To maintain and improve the operation and security of the 1000Club site and our software, systems and networks;
  • To detect fraudulent uses or potentially being used;
  • To detect violations of our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookie Usage, Publication Policy, Ranking Policy.

Management of personal data and usage data

We comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 ("DPA") and the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR").

Responsible for processing collected data

The person responsible for the processing of personal data is:
Mr. Marc Planchette
My 1000Club Web Force Inc.
Urb. Sant M. Engolasters Num. 18
Xalet 18 Esquerra
AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
AD700 Escaldes-Engordany
Andorre (Principality)

We may improve the Privacy Policy time to time (according to the Article 17 of the Terms of Use).

We aim to constantly improve our services and we are working hard to develop new features that make the 1000Club site better for you and our community. As a result, to accurately reflect our services and practises, we may need, time to time, to update our Privacy Policy.

1000Club reserves the right to change at any time and, unless otherwise required by law, without notice the Privacy Policy.

Any changes will be immediately reflected on the page of the text concerned by the modification. The update date will be mentioned. You are therefore invited to regularly check their latest updated version.

We will do our best, however, to notify you of these changes before they go inti effect. We recommend that you subscribe to the site: Thus, you will be informed on your Newsfeed of changes to the conditions of use. Think of it as an act of pure courtesy.

Once any updated Privacy Policy is in effect, you will be bound by it if you continue to use the 1000Club site.

We hope that you will continue using the 1000Club site, but if you do not agree to our updated Privacy Policy and no longer want to be a part of the 1000Club community, you can delete your account at any time.

Only the latest English version entitled "Privacy Policy" [published on] has probative value. PDF versions do not bind us legally. Please always check the latest version on