Getting started

The innovative functions of the project to automate your agile communication and accelerate your business.

SEO вашего сайта 1000Club является родным

On the hub, we guarantee that your site is natively optimized for the traditional search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

For years we have been studying the rules of referencing, and we apply them systematically to your website and to each of your publications.

These rules are intended to improve your ranking on search engines outside the hub.

However, be aware that the quality of the content of your pages and their distribution on social networks will also influence your ranking.

With Panda, Penguin, Colibri, Fred, etc., Google regularly updates its algorithm. To increase your SEO, you need to apply the following basic rules:
  • Google's goal is to validate the authority and authenticity of those who produce quality content.
  • What matters is:
    • Do you have authorship of the contents published on the web?
    • Is your content appealing and useful?
  • Google checks your reputation and reputation.
  • The search engine checks the interest your pages are generating.
    • Are they clicked within the search engine?
    • Do visitors surf permanently or ephemerally on your pages?
    • Are your pages recommended or not on microblogging sites, blogs, and social networks:
      • Google+
      • Facebook
      • Twitter
      • Etc.
    • Do 1000Club members share your pages on their 1000Club site?
    • Indeed, when a member shares one of your publications on his site, you benefit from it, because Google analyzes this external link to your site.
    • Do people retweet your tweets?
    • Do they share your shared content on Google+, Facebook, etc.?
    • TO AVOID IMPERATIVELY - Are your pages a pretext for grouping ads to make money?
  • Google analyzes your traffic.
    • What is the origin of your visitors? Do they come from social networks or search engines?
    • How long do they spend on your site?
    • Are they interested in other pages on your site or not?
    • Do they come back to your site?
    • How often?
    To be noticed by Google and other search engines, it is essential to publish attractive and useful content.
To optimize your SEO, it is imperative to respect the following points:
  1. NEVER publish a page with duplicate content.
  2. Do not copy / paste external content (even when the content comes from your own website).
  3. Publish ONLY original content: by publishing your latest news on or reformulating your sentences to make them original when the content has already been published elsewhere.
  4. Find your publication on Google (search by keyword or by name) and navigate long on your 1000Club site from this publication.
  5. Create a Google+ account with exactly the same First and Last name as the ones at the bottom of your publications or at the top of your site.
  6. Validate the authorship of your page content on Google+.
  7. You will find out how to do this at the end of the publication process on It's quick and easy.
  8. Share your publication on Google+, Twitter, Facebook (at least).
  9. Traditional search engines analyze links to your publication. The more your publication is shared, the more it will be seen and commented upon. This is positive for you!
  10. Invite your friends to comment on your publication from their social accounts.
The members do not know you yet. Their first impression is based on the appearance and content of your professional profile. [Professional Directory].

Invest a few minutes of your time to prepare a professional profile that will stay online for a long time.

To increase the ranking of each of your publications on traditional search engines, it is necessary to respect the following points (and you will avoid falling into the trap of Webspam):
  1. Write at least 1,500 characters per publication.
  2. The content of a publication must absolutely be ORIGINAL.
  3. More precisely:
    • Do not copy or paste sentences from an existing site (even if it's yours).
    • Clearly present your activity, products, services, etc.
    • Be precise.
    • Use the words likely to allow users to find you on the traditional search engines.
    • Never link word rehearsals to fill empty spaces.
    • Always write phrases that make sense.
    • Write your text first using a word processing software that will correct spelling errors. Re-read several times. Have it corrected by at least a third party before publishing it online.
  4. Short Description
    • You have 10-140 characters to summarize your company or your products, services, etc.
    • Describe your offer with the most attractive information.
    • Reuse the most important keywords in your publication.
    • This text is used to share your publication on social networks.
  5. Title of Publication
    • You have 10-60 characters to be noticed.
    • Be concise, clear and precise.
    • Please quote: your company, your products, your services, etc
    • This text is used to share your page on social networks.
    • Stand with the virgin eye of those who discover you.
  6. Your Keywords [Buy / Sell / Rent / Share / Exchange]
    • This is the most strategic part of your publication.
    • Important keywords should be included in the main texts:
      • Title of Publication
      • Short Description
      • Detailed Introduction
    • Be clear and precise.
    • Use the most important keywords in your publication.
    • Indeed, search engines scan your page and, to try to understand what it is, they analyze the repetition of important words.
    • Your most important keywords should be repeated within a normal range: neither too much nor too much.
    • When your strategic keywords are found in several places on the page, search engines understand what it is.
    • To find out more about interest, read Instant Matching.
  7. Contact Info
    • The member name appearing at the top of its website and at the bottom of each publication depends on the type of account: Individual / Business.
    • At the bottom of each publication, the name of the member is preceded by the word By.
    • The member name must be exactly the same as the name of your Google+ account.
  8. Pictures
    • Although it is not mandatory to publish a photo, it is highly recommended.
    • Traditional search engines love pages with at least one photo.
    • To increase your ranking on search engines, it is important to give a title to each photo.
      • The title of a photo must include the keywords of the page on which the photo is used.
      • For your information, we always include the text of your brief description in the metadata of the photo (metadata only visible by the search engines).

1000Club guarantees that the information contained on this page is true and honestly stated, but does not bear any responsibility for errors or omissions.