The resolution of your PNG is 72 dpi (dots per inch).
This resolution is optimized for the web. It is not sufficient for good quality printing.
Printing Requirements:
- With photo editing software (i.e.: Photoshop), increase the resolution to 300 dpi (dots per inch).
- Set the required size of your document (depending on the print surface).
- Turn off the flash code to make transparent the white background (this is not an obligation, but an option to print your flash code on a non-white surface).
For example [From the VISTAPRINT site]:
This data is provided as an example. Please check this at
- Vistaprint's Trim Sizes business cards are:
- USA: 3.50” x 2.00” ou 89 x 51 mn ou 1050 x 600 pixels.
- Europe: 85 x 55 mn ou 1004 x 650 pixels.
- To be on the full height of your business cards, your flash code must be equal to or less than:
- USA: 2.00” x 2.00“ / 51 x 51 mn / 600 x 600 pixels
- Europe: 55 x 55 mn / 650 x 650 pixels
- Trim Sizes of Vistaprint decals are:
- USA: 4.50” x 4.50” ou 114 x 114 mn or 1350 x 1350 pixels.
- Europe: 114 x 114 mn ou 1350 x 1350 pixels.
- To match the size of your entire decal, your flash code must be equal to or less than
- USA: 4.50” x 4.50” ou 114 x 114 mn ou 1350 x 1350 pixels.
- Europe: 114 x 114 mn ou 1350 x 1350 pixels.
- Trim Sizes of Vistaprint decals are:
- USA: 8.50” x 10.98” ou 216 x 279 mn or 2551 x 3295 pixels.
- Europe: 107 x 139 mn ou 1264 x 1642 pixels.
- To represent about 1/4 of your flyers, your flash code must be equal to or less than:
- USA: 4.00” x 4.00” ou 102 x 102 mn ou 1200 x 1200 pixels.
- Europe: 50 x 50 mn ou 591 x 591 pixels.