
The philosophy and the legal aspects of the 1000Club are based on respect of the Customer.

Политика Тегов

Version of February 1st, 2024

"Find without searching"

1000Club's mission is to protect and develop your activities. To this end, one of the ways we use (and that gives you "total freedom with all options") is the automatic highlighting of your peers' publications matching to your freely expressed preferences (thanks to your words), among the:

  • Cultural, scientific, or commercial information;
  • Product or service offers.

These consistent and systematic suggestions are based on your interests and needs (buying, selling, renting, sharing, and exchanging) that you have interest in expressing with utmost precision (in one or more of the twenty-five languages managed by the 1000Club site).
So, for example, the 1000Club site first suggests members who are likely to buy or rent what you offer.
We will also offer you new suppliers, manufacturers, partners, distributors, re-sellers, investors, consultants, employees, without this list being exhaustive.

In fact, every time you log in into your account, the members' posts you need will automatically displayed on your custom hub, and you'll see them appear without having to search for them.

However, to be more effective, you need to let us know exactly what you are buying, selling, renting, sharing, and exchanging (with the highest level of accuracy).
For that, the site 1000Club puts at your disposal a dedicated space which allows you to communicate your tags:

  • As if you were using a traditional search engine;
  • With the difference that, on the site 1000Club, you do not need to rewrite your tags several times, because they produce permanent effects.

Your tags can be added, modified, or deleted at will.

Your tags are of strategic importance on the 1000Club site

They result in:

  1. Filter the posts that appear automatically on your custom hub (every time you log in into your user account).
  2. Also bring a higher level of automatic customization thus making your Site "smart".
    When your tags are in line with those of your connected visitors, they entail in real time:
    • Instant personalization of the content of your home page.
      The subjects of your publications are adapted to the interests and needs (purchase, sale, rental, sharing and exchange) of each of your connected visitors;
    • Changing the number and layout of your posts on your homepage.
      The presentation of your homepage changes dynamically based on your filtered publications through tags. Your homepage dynamically adapts to the preferences of each of your connected visitors. This saves them from wasting valuable time with often imprecise, lengthy and time-consuming searches.
    • Adapting the content of your publications
      When dealing with multiple topics at once, topics of interest to each of your connected visitors (taken individually) will be highlighted on your home page.
    Thanks to your tags and those of your connected visitors, your Site is transformed into a permanent search engine -24 / 7 / 365- and fully automatic.
  3. Without a mouse click, allow users to find products, services, and information that match their needs, interests, and preferences, both on:
    • The hub;
    • Users’ Sites.

Your tags on the 1000Club site automate the way to find information.

Rather than rewrite tags on a traditional search engine (and then on each site visited), it is sufficient to write a keyword once in your "Tags" space for the 1000Club site to filter the results automatically (24/7/365).

Since on the 1000Club site, your tags are saved, you no longer need to rewrite them elsewhere, including visiting the Sites of your peers.

The amount of tags available depends on the level of membership of each user. The higher the membership level, the greater the number of tags available. If necessary, it is also possible to acquire additional tags (thanks to Individual Packages). This is to avoid spam and the saturation of the results presented.

There are two types and three categories of tags

Your tags are related to:

  1. Your user account.
    The tags of your user account allow you to discover the users you need, in:
    • "My 1000Club, Leads";
    • Your personalized hub and your Newsfeed, by clicking on "Members".
  2. Each of your publications.
    These specific tags adapt the content of your:
    • Custom Hub;
    • Site.
    If needed, you will find the publications that interest you:
    • By clicking on "Publications";
    • Then targeting your research in :
      • Flash Posts;
      • Articles;
      • Business Profiles.

To increase the accuracy of matching supply and demand, we have three categories of tags:

  • Commercial [B2B];
  • Personal [B2C];
  • Cultural.

1000Club has zero tolerance for spam

Your tags should match the content of the publication they are linked to, both:

  1. Precisely;
  2. In all respects.

If you deceive users by associating a fictitious tag [that does not correspond, at the same time, precisely and in all points to the contents of the publication to which they are linked] to a publication, you expose this publication to the temporary or definitive ban on the 1000Club site. For example, to be seen by users while your tags do not match, precisely and in all respects, the content of your publication.

In the event of a breach of one or more of the aforementioned rules, 1000Club reserves the right to block access to all or part of the services of the 1000Club site, temporarily or permanently, without prejudice to any damage and interest to the user and without prior notice.

We may improve the Tags Policy time to time (according to the Article 17 of the Terms of Use)

We aim to constantly improve our services and we are working hard to develop new features that make the 1000Club site better for you and our community. As a result, to accurately reflect our services and practices, we may need, time to time, to update our Tags Policy.

1000Club reserves the right to change at any time and, unless otherwise required by law, without notice the Tags Policy.

Any changes will be immediately reflected on the page of the text concerned by the modification. The update date will be mentioned. You are therefore invited to regularly check their latest updated version.

We will do our best, however, to notify you of these changes before they go inti effect. We recommend that you subscribe to the site: Thus, you will be informed on your Newsfeed of changes to the conditions of use. Think of it as an act of pure courtesy.

Once any updated Tags Policy is in effect, it will bind you if you continue to use the 1000Club site.

We hope that you will continue using the 1000Club site, but if you do not agree to our updated Tags Policy and no longer want to be a part of the 1000Club community, you can delete your account at any time.

Only the latest English version entitled "Tags Policy" [published on] has probative value. PDF versions do not bind us legally. Please always check the latest version on